NALC Branch 41 Merged

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Jack Leventhal Branch 41 Merged

Proud union members since 1890

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Reject the agreement
Accept the agreement

Membership rejects tentative collective bargaining agreement

The active membership of the National Association of Letter Carriers has voted to reject the ratification of the tentative 2023-2026 National Agreement with the United States Postal Service. The vote to ratify was 63,680 to reject the agreement versus 26,304 to accept it, as reported by NALC’s Ballot Committee chairman Paul Roznowski of Royal Oak, MI Branch 3126. The fifteen-member Ballot Committee monitored and observed the dispatch, receipt, and tabulation of the Ratification Ballot conducted by independent companies, MOSAIC of Cheverly, MD, and Survey and Ballot Systems of Eden Prairie, MN.

NALC President Brian L. Renfroe issued the following statement regarding the vote over the 2023-2026 National Agreement with the United States Postal Service (USPS).
“NALC has notified the Postal Service of the result of the ratification balloting and our intent to reopen negotiations within five (5) days in accordance with Article 16 of the NALC Constitution. Negotiations will not exceed a period of fifteen (15) calendar days from when they are reopened. The NALC Executive Council will meet to discuss whether to send a second ballot to each member for ratification or rejection of a potential new tentative agreement or to proceed to binding interest arbitration. Under the law, decisions of that arbitration board would be final and binding upon the parties. 

“In a democratic vote, the will of NALC’s membership has been made clear - the tentative agreement that represented the best offer the Postal Service put on the table is not good enough for America’s city letter carriers. We have earned more and we deserve more. 

"We will negotiate in good faith with the Postal Service at the bargaining table during the limited timeframe set forth in the NALC Constitution. We call on the Postal Service to do the same. As I made clear since the very beginning of this process, NALC is well prepared to fight like hell for a better contract in interest arbitration, and that is exactly what we will do if the Postal Service is unwilling to reach agreement on terms that fairly compensate and reward our members.”

CLC Nationwide Training for Letter Carriers

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Our Story

Branch 41 was chartered on July 21st, 1890 a year after the NALC was founded in Milwaukee, WI

Our building located at 2262 Bath Avenue in Brooklyn was officially opened with a ribbon cutting ceremony on June 18th, 1993

and is known as the Louis Pisapia Building which was dedicated in honor of our former Branch President who presided over the buildings opening in 1970, a wildcat strike was started by letter carriers at Branch 36 in Manhattan, NY led by Vincent R. Sombrotto, a regular letter carrier at the time.
The strike spread nationwide and the NALC won the right to collectively bargain our pay and benefits as a result.

Under the leadership of then President of Branch 41 Jack Leventhal, the Brooklyn Letter Carriers joined the strike and were the second branch to so, joining the first Branch 36 of Manhattan and The Bronx. Branch 41 is ceremoniously now known as The Jack Leventhal Branch in honor of his influential tenure as our Branch president.

On November 14th, the membership of Branch 41 met and voted in favor for merging with Branch 99 Staten Island. The final tally results were 74 Yes to 3 No.